Why a Multi Channel Social Media Marketing Strategy Creates More Buzz


So you want to launch a book, an album, promote a play, market a new movie or advertise your business. Multiple Social Media Marketing Channels

In traditional mass media marketing you will find that  many different marketing channels are used as part of the marketing strategy to get the word out there, to ensure that the “Word Of Mouth” is happening and that vital buzz is generated as people  share the latest news with their groups and networks about a great movie or music whether that be off line or online.

Need help getting the word out in as many channels as you can in a way that is most cost effective and appropriate for your brand or business? Drop me a note at brent[at]stirsolutions.com or call me for a free social media marketing consutation here in Vancouver at 604-847-3447 ext 104.

Posted via email from Vancouver Internet Marketing Social Media Marketing Consultant Canada